Сoronavirus Situation Worsens In Belarus
8- 23.08.2022, 17:11
- 58,176

"Red zones" have again been set in medical institutions.
Medical workers and readers of the tochka.by portal note that “red zones” have reappeared in Belarusian medical institutions. They also introduced the mask requirement.
Thus, a doctor from one of the Mahiliou polyclinics said that at her work “masks and red zones returned”.
The journalists managed to contact the medical facility directly by phone. The receptionist replied that, indeed, from Tuesday, August 23, they introduced the mask requirement. Red zones will appear soon.
“Starting from tomorrow [we are talking about Wednesday, August 24],” the specialist said.
Specialists are also kept ready to work with covid patients.
“No official statements so far, but everything is super pumped". The last time, when the number of covid cases increased, they recruited us to work in the red zones even, and we are narrow-profile specialists, not virologists. This could happen again,” the reader said.
What's in the capital?
Minsk polyclinics are also preparing for the return of the mask requirement and “red zones” with covid patients.
So, in one of the medical institutions of the capital, journalists were told that from Monday, August 29, coronavirus patients will be treated in the "red zone", and all patients will have to wear masks.
Moreover, all people with signs of acute respiratory diseases are immediately sent to a separate room, the entrance to it is organized from the street outside.
“What is your temperature?” the receptionist asked.
“It differs, sometimes it reaches 37.4,” the correspondent replied.
“Then you are to come with your passport without a card, immediately to the 202nd [the receptionist means a room for patients with fever]. Visit it, even if there is no temperature at the time of arrival,” the specialist warned.