25 October 2024, Friday, 21:48
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Media: Patrushev Gave 'Funeral' Speech About Putin

Media: Patrushev Gave 'Funeral' Speech About Putin

The insider's account of the Kremlin chief's death may be true.

Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev spoke at the marathon of the propaganda company Znanie.

His speech was dedicated to the head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, who was referred to exclusively in the past tense, reports dialog.ua.

Patrushev appeared at the event in mourning black: not only his suit but also his shirt was black.

In his speech, he spoke about Putin exclusively in the past tense, listing the dictator's "achievements".

"Tired of the violent 1990s, society was waiting for solutions to socio-economic problems, for the strengthening of national security. A leader was needed who could put the people's welfare at the centre of the agenda. ..... Putin became such a leader... He had a detailed knowledge of the situation in the country, a clear programme of action, a vision of the goal... At the same time, he understood the importance of an evolutionary approach, as opposed to revolutionary leaps that always weaken the Russian state. He believed in people," says Patrushev.

Russian social media was abuzz with the incident.

Patrushev's speech is being called "mournful" and "funeral", and is being seen as proof of an insider's knowledge of the alleged death of the head of the Russian Federation.

Russian opposition activist Gennady Gudkov writes in particular.

"Rest in peace, dear comrade! (...)", Patrushev in black delivers a speech about the great comrade Putin in the past tense: was, became, led, inspired.... Has the commemoration begun? Is Vasilich on the throne? Did Valery Solovyov's predictions come true?! I'm having fun! I'm listening to it like music, I can't tear myself away from this obituary. I was waiting for Chopin's funeral march. Patrushev - well done, now everyone will realise that the tsar in the Kremlin - not real! - Gudkov wrote.

Professor Valery Solovey himself reacted to Patrushev's speech. "If this is not an obituary, what is it?" - he wrote in a telegram.

Recall that, according to Solovy, the dictator of the Russian Federation allegedly died on 26 February this year 2023 after a prolonged cancer.

He assures that the role of the dictator will be played by his double and that power in the country will be held by a group led by Patrushev.

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