27 July 2024, Saturday, 15:10
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Employee Fatality Follows Implementation Of Army-Like Regulations At Mazyrsol Enterprise

Employee Fatality Follows Implementation Of Army-Like Regulations At Mazyrsol Enterprise

He was threatened with dismissal.

On December 1, a worker died at the Mazyrsol OJSC enterprise. As an acquaintance of the deceased told Flagstaff, the worker’s name was Mikalai Zayats. He was threatened with dismissal:

“After the smoking ban was introduced, the salt plant workers hid and smoked in the workshops. Mikalai was caught by his boss and reported to the management. The director threatened him that his contract would not be renewed. Mikalai took everything to heart. He died before the end of that very shift.”

In 2020, one of the heroes of the Mazyr TV channel program was a dryer from workshop #2 of Mazyrsol OJSC with the same name and surname. Judging by the comment that Mikalai Zayats gave to the television crew, he worked at the enterprise for decades.

Blogger Andrei Pauk gave journalists a recording of a call in which the head of the enterprise, Uladzimir Dvornik, answers a question about the death of an employee.

“It was no accident. Just heart failure. The man died”.

Next, Dvornik did not want to answer the blogger’s questions and hung up.

Previously, Uladzimir Dvornik introduced strict measures of discrimination against smokers at the enterprise. According to his order, anyone who does not smoke on the territory of the plant receives a financial monthly incentive. In this case, collective responsibility applies: it is enough for one person from the team to be caught smoking in the wrong place for the penalty to be applied to the entire team. To control workers in the organizational structure of the enterprise, a “commission on production culture” has been created, headed by the chief engineer.

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