To Coincide!
- 7.04.2023, 8:00
- 26,360
The ‘Bluefingerness’ dropped dead, but Belarus is alive!
I'm watching, listening, reading, accepting, rejecting, agreeing, disagreeing, reacting, writing, rewriting, feeling happy, ashamed, angry and proud. I'm understanding, denying, controlling, losing control, heating, despising and holding on...
All these states of mind are related solely and exclusively to Belarus and home.
Many feel the same I'm sure.
Still, we cannot coincide in our emotions, decisions, perception.
Also, I’m talking not only about the current time but a little bit earlier and more.
There have been many attempts to change the situation. Different approaches of the centers of the opposition have always been pointed across, filled with a significant amount of KGB scenarios. They were rarely complimentary but competitive more often.
However, we've managed to create real windows of opportunities. All these windows appeared only thanks to the street protests, people were taking to the streets as into battle. This was a real battle, the battle with evil.
Only nationwide protests will put an end to this evil. All of us just need to coincide in the awareness and acceptance of this fact.
We've faced showdowns after every missed opportunity most often under the leadership of the KGBists. Their goal was clear: to demoralize the activists, infiltrate even more agents into the opposition and provide the regime with several years of more or less safe existence.
It was necessary to go through all this and withstood it.
We've been coping and opening new windows of opportunities.
We had even more political prisoners after each public outburst in Belarus. They were released only under the pressure of sanctions.
There is no other effective tool to save the lives of people whom Lukashenka is killing in prisons and colonies.
Sanctions are easing - repressions are intensifying. This is a fact, tragic and repeatedly confirmed.
It would seem that everything worked out, everyone agreed in common hatred of the regime, and people were at the peak of readiness, but again they began to invent something.
The opposition representatives who took part in the “elections” tried to avoid the protests and not the authorities. The protests were suppressed, and tens of thousands of people ended up in prisons, where they are being killed again, and we are again arguing whether sanctions are needed to release them, not even for liberation, but for saving their lives.
What is happening in Belarus today is horrible. Lukashenka turned our country into a concentration camp.
But the insane daily repression testifies to the fear he lives in.
He has real reasons for fear. Hatred for him grows with every arrest, every sentence and every solitary confinement of political prisoners.
It's really working this way in a concentration camp: the prisoners hate the guards, the kapo and the director of the camp, and all together - the prisoners, the guards and the kapo - hate the commander.
I am sure that most of the so-called security officials feel a burning desire to get rid of the gang from time to time. Their desires did not previously match ours, but they will certainly match.
"The past does not end for everyone at the same time," Argentine writer Ernesto Sábato noted.
Our past forced us to call it the ‘bluefingered’. It clings to us and to the country, trying to destroy those who have freed themselves from it, and to subdue those who have not yet found the strength to throw this "blue-fingered" away.
If you look closely at the regime, then there are not so many thugs holding on to this decrepit power and propping it up with batons. There are a few punishers who have lost their human appearance and a few real idiots.
This regime is the only source that feeds, waters and shelters them. There will be no life under Lukashenka for the rest. There will be no life not for the opposition only, but for everyone: for the ruling pigs and outsiders, for urban residents and the countrymen.
The 'Bluefingerness; has reached the stage where only the cattle need it. But not everyone, even a thug, is ready to recognize to be like this. Not everyone comes home, if after all one still has where and to whom to come, and teaches children to be the cattle.
We will definitely create a new window of opportunity.
When it opens, we all definitely need to coincide in emotions and determination in time and space.
To coincide and understand that the 'Bluefingerness' is dead, but Belarus is alive!
Andrei Sannikov, the leader of the European Belarus Civil Campaign, Facebook