25 October 2024, Friday, 21:48
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Kadyrovtsy Seriously Maimed Russian Defence Ministry Serviceman

Kadyrovtsy Seriously Maimed Russian Defence Ministry Serviceman

The Russian prosecutor's office is trying to hush up the case.

Kadyrovtsy have seriously maimed a military man from the Russian Ministry of Defence. Despite the large number of witnesses to the attack on the Russian Defence Ministry serviceman, the military prosecutor's office is trying to hush up the case. Stepan Anosov's fellow servicemen from the Shtorm unit, which was in charge of logistics, are appealing to all Z-public pages demanding that the attack on the occupant be made public, reports dialog.ua.

According to the invaders' version, two servicemen of the Interior Ministry from Chechnya burst into Anosov's office and opened fire with submachine guns because of "complaints" to the logistics service. They fired two magazines of ammunition into the floor in the victim's office.

"As a result, they shot Stepan's left leg, and when he fell to the floor they started kicking him, breaking his other leg and causing numerous bruises," complained the occupants.

As a result, Anosov suffered a penetrating wound to his left foot, a fractured metatarsal bone in his big toe, and a dislocated fracture of his right foot. The wounded man was simply bandaged up at the hospital, and was told that a cast would be applied elsewhere. However, eight days passed before the occupant made his way to Podolsk for treatment.

"The attackers have been detained, the crime has been documented by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Despite the large number of witnesses, the military prosecutor's office wants to 'hush up' the case. They want to classify it as careless handling of weapons and inflicting minor bodily injuries (up to 3 years in prison)," the occupiers are indignant.

The victim's friends do not believe that the attackers will be brought to justice. The Z-public page "Batman of the DPR" writes that the Kadyrovtsy themselves are stationed in the rear and are already inflicting damage on the Russian army that is comparable to the frontline.

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