25 October 2024, Friday, 21:46
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«Lukashenka Developed Massive Hemorrhages In Various Organs And Tissues»

«Lukashenka Developed Massive Hemorrhages In Various Organs And Tissues»

The name of the incurable disease diagnosed in the dictator at the Central Clinical Hospital of Moscow has become known.

Belarusian politician Valer Tsapkala reported what diagnosis Lukashenka was given by a council of doctors after hospitalization at the Central Clinical Hospital of Moscow:

— It is a verified information that a week ago, on May 25 on Thursday, late in the evening, the self-proclaimed ruler of Belarus Lukashenka was taken to the Central Clinical Hospital of Moscow in serious condition. The patient had severe nausea and vomiting, massive hemorrhages began in various organs and tissues. Blood came from the nose, gums, petechial hemorrhages appeared even on the skin, especially pronounced at the injection sites.

These symptoms have given rise to much speculation that he was poisoned. The situation was aggravated by the fact that Lukashenka was taken to the Central Clinical Hospital after a planned dinner with Putin.

It should be noted that if Lukashenka could not be saved, then, given the history of the poisoning of Navalny, Litvinenko and the Skripals, the opinion would be firmly established in the world that he did not die a natural death, and no arguments would be accepted.

Therefore, by order of the Kremlin, the best doctors of the city of Moscow were urgently assembled, both scientists and practitioners. In his “return to life”, the best resuscitators from various clinics of the Russian capital were connected, who “get people from the other world” every day.

As a result, a council of doctors diagnosed the patient with disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome (DIC). This is a disease characterized by disorders in the blood coagulation system in which the formation of multiple blood clots occurs. As clotting factors are used up in the formation of blood clots, DIC enters the stage of reduced blood clotting, which causes bleeding into various organs.

The severity of bleeding can vary from small hemorrhages on the skin, to massive bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhages in the brain, lungs and other organs. In addition to the above manifestations of DIC, the following are also distinguished: swelling, pain in the legs and chest, shortness of breath, cold sweat.

Manifestations of DIC depend on the stage of the disease, and the degree of damage to certain organs. To maintain the vital activity of the body, transfusion of fresh frozen plasma (the liquid part of the blood), intravenous administration of various solutions that affect blood clotting are carried out.

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