15 October 2024, Tuesday, 17:21
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‘Lukashenka Will Be Cooked In This Historical Broth’

‘Lukashenka Will Be Cooked In This Historical Broth’

No one will forgive the dictator's atrocities.

Czech media write that Russian oligarch Mikhail Gutseriev sought a meeting with FBI representatives. There are two versions of the events. The first is that he wanted to hand over Putin and Lukashenka's secrets in exchange for lifting sanctions against himself. The other is that he flew to Prague at Lukashenka's request. Allegedly, he was looking for security guarantees.

Which version is more realistic? Charter97.org spoke with Ukrainian political scientist and writer Volodymyr Tsybulko about this:

— It seems to me that this was Lukashenka's order. The thing is that at the beginning of the war Lukashenka could have sold himself as a victim, and not as Putin's partner. Putin, however, played Lukashenka's card elegantly, so to speak. He nevertheless pulled the Belarusian ruler in and made him not just an ally, but a co-defendant for the atrocities of the Russian military in Ukraine.

Considering that Gutseriev is very closely integrated into the Belarusian economy and, in fact, is probably the most important factor in the economic autonomy of Belarus, he could not act in this situation solely in his own interests, giving up some secrets in order to simply leave.

Gutseriev's main assets are in Belarus and Russia. Therefore, most likely, this was a game to try to save Lukashenka, to hide in his shadow, controlling huge assets in Belarus.

— Czech media wrote that Lukashenka's motive in such contacts is fear for his own life and his family. Is there really such a threat today?

— Lukashenka understands perfectly well that after his death his family will be simply “skinned”. No one will forgive him for the atrocities that he committed against the Belarusian people. He is now sitting under Putin's power umbrella.

Even the Chinese are very careful, so to speak, in protecting Lukashenka from revenge for his villainies. Therefore, the Chinese can only give some kind of political signal that they are partners, and demand partnership relations for themselves. But the Chinese will definitely not be lawyers for villainies against their own people.

But Putin caught Lukashenka on this very thing, making him the governor of Belarus on Russian bayonets, a protégé of Moscow. And now, when a new electoral maneuver is approaching (because there are no elections as such in Belarus, but some electoral procedure may take place in the near future), certain preparations are underway.

This is the topic that has now crawled out with Gutseriev. This is the thesis about Lukashenka's betrayal, about his readiness to betray the Kremlin.

But his betrayal is of no use to anyone, because it is a betrayal for self-salvation. And the world needs the liquidation of Putinism with all that is happening. And Lukashenka is part of Putinism, so if he expects that like one head of a two-headed chicken that is boiling in broth, he can jump out of this broth alive, then he is deeply mistaken. Lukashenka will be cooked in this historical broth.

— How will Moscow react to Lukashenka's desire to establish contact with the West?

— Lukashenka is simply hated in Moscow, they disdain him. They use him, but they disdain him. And Lukashenka understands that he himself allowed such an attitude to form towards him with his behavior, primitive lies.

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