28 October 2024, Monday, 17:18
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'The DPRK Soldiers Will Have No Choice'

'The DPRK Soldiers Will Have No Choice'

What is behind the transfer of the North Korean military to the Kursk region?

Intercepted radio conversations of Russians indicate that the Kremlin is secretly transferring North Korean troops in the direction of the ledge held by Ukraine in the Kursk region of the Russian Federation.

How can Russia use them in this direction? The Charter97.org website spoke about this with military expert, co-director of foreign policy and international security programs of the Razumkov Center in Kyiv Oleksiy Melnyk:

— What the Ukrainian and South Korean intelligence services warned about is already being confirmed. Most likely, these forces will be used on the territory of the Russian Federation, in particular, in the battles near Kursk. This, let's say, is a fairly logical decision from a military and military-political point of view, since, firstly, it allows Russia to avoid possible consequences in connection with the use of foreign troops on the territory of Ukraine.

Secondly, the territory of the Kursk region in terms of the intensity of fighting has a slightly different nature of hostilities. I would not say that it is easier for the Russians, but at least it can be the first stage in which the North Korean military will be tested. Depending on their effectiveness, a decision will be made on further expansion of their number and geography of use.

— If we talk about their effectiveness, The Wall Street Journal reports that the regime of the DPRK could not send its strongest soldiers to the Russian Federation. What problems can the Russian army face because of this?

— I would not make long-term forecasts about this now. Most likely, we will get an answer to this question in the near future. There were different messages regarding their level of training. If these are regular units, then their level of combat training is not high enough.

But there were also reports or assumptions that some of them are special operations forces, the most prepared, the most motivated, plus peculiarly motivated. Unlike the Russian army, this is most likely not about financial incentives, but about harsh repressive measures.

Getting into a combat situation, they will have practically no choice: to die from Ukrainian weapons, from Korean or Chechen ones. But, again, you just need to be patient and see what the results of the first clashes will be.

— What about the choice to surrender? After all, among the Ukrainian units located in the Kursk region, a manual with commands is already being distributed, with the help of which fighters will be able to establish communication with the DPRK military on the battlefield to offer them to surrender.

— This, in general, is a logical step — to encourage them to surrender. The only thing is, it's hard for me to say how effective the channels for transmitting these messages are. Most likely, it is necessary to use such, say, already archaic methods as scattering leaflets, because telegram channels are unlikely to work in this regard.

I repeat that in the coming days or weeks we will be able to see and get an answer to this question as well.

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