28 October 2024, Monday, 18:17
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What viruses are currently spreading in Belarus

What viruses are currently spreading in Belarus

A doctor told us.

Non-flu respiratory viruses are currently spreading among the population of Belarus. This was reported by Alla Dashkevich, Deputy Chief Physician for Epidemiology at the Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health.

According to her, we are talking about parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, and rhinoviruses. In addition, coronavirus has also acquired a seasonal character.

“Probably, for the second year now we can say that everything is returning to normal, and the same coronavirus infection is increasingly acquiring seasonal features with characteristic increases in morbidity in the autumn-winter period,” BelTA quotes Alla Dashkevich.

The expert also reminded about vaccination – this is one of the important elements of preparing the population for the period of increased morbidity. According to her, healthcare organizations have reviewed their medicines and hospital beds in order to be prepared.

Dashkevich added that respiratory infections are also registered in the summer, only their number is lower in the warm period.

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