4 October 2024, Friday, 15:21
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'Belarus Is A Candidate For EU Membership'

'Belarus Is A Candidate For EU Membership'

Our country could quickly reach the level of Estonia.

Estonian historian and political scientist, former member of the Estonian Parliament Aarne Veedla spoke on the Ususal Morning air about whether Lukashenka's hopes coincide with Putin's plans.

— I really believe that Belarus is quite a natural candidate for joining the EU. The development of the country, of course, was seriously affected during Lukashenka's rule and suffered from his actions.

But nevertheless, even during the collapse of the Soviet Union, the economy of Belarus was at such a level that it could develop rapidly and reach, say, the level of today's Estonia, and maybe even more.

If we talk about the potential, then Belarus has always had sufficient human and economic potential. Your country has a great geographical location.

In general, you have everything to successfully develop in the European space. Again, I cite the example of Estonia. Today it is a rich state — and Belarus could have all this too.

The political scientist connects the changes in our country with the change of power.

— We understand Lukashenka's idea: he is absolutely seriously eager for the presidency. Obviously, he is waiting for signals from Moscow — whether Putin will allow him to go for the next term or not.

Of course, Moscow is very concerned, because Lukashenka is an old sick man. He has no prospects. Therefore, Putin slipped him these governors from Siberia and the Far East, making it clear, they say, your place in Magadan. Such jokes are quite in Putin's style.

But seriously, it is not audible that Putin has given the signals that Lukashenka is waiting for. We understand that Moscow has some kind of plan for a new leader in Belarus.

Putin definitely has such plans, and we know his manner, how he helps to change leaders in Central Asia, for example. There, without any constitution, they gathered the Security Council and said, this person will be the next president.

It is possible that Lukashenka's attempts to drive everything into the framework of his current constitution will not work, and his successor will be appointed in the same way.

However, I would like to say something else. Any person who replaces Lukashenka will not necessarily do the same as he.

The times have certainly changes. Now the situation is terrible, including for Russia. Yes, there is a monstrous war in Ukraine, many Ukrainians are killed. But Russia itself also received such a strong blow that it will not seem like much.

Therefore, changes will be necessary, including those that will affect Belarus,” the Estonian political scientist is sure.

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