'Only Castro Looked Worse In The Final Months of His Life'
35- 19.12.2024, 21:47
- 51,794

What health problems can Lukashenka have?
For a long time, the health of Aliaksandr Lukashenka has been actually a mystery to Belarusian society, except for some news stories in the media. Many resources claim that Lukashenka has a whole bunch of diseases that are increasingly visible with his age. The dictator himself admitted that he was experiencing serious health problems and "needed rest."
Belarusians are actively discussing the dictator's health on the Charter97.org TikTok channel. Here are the best comments:
“God sees everything! I look forward to seeing the boomerang return to Luka of his crimes.”
“I don't know about diabetes, but he loves to eat more than his people. He suffers from obesity, it is a fact.”
"His body wears out... It is not for nothing that people are sent to retirement at the age of 60, but this one holds on to power with his last teeth."
"The people constantly curse the dictator, so this reaches him."
"He really clung to the trough, his fingers were already blackened and falling off."
"Lukashenka has become the champion in terms of health problems among dictators. Only Castro looked worse in the final months of his life."
"At parades in Moscow, it is not the first year that Luka is transported, then hidden, then tremor, then stroke, then Alzheimer's, then urinary incontinence! Brezhnev in his 75 years looked cheerful compared to the usurper of Belarus. The curses of millions of Belarusians are reaching their goal, but the shaking hogs must still be brought to justice for their numerous murders and crimes!”
“Excess weight, pressure, constant stress, fear for his damn life. No wonder he's sick. Power, all the more illegally held, harms health. And he will have to answer in the next world."
@charter97.org Лукашенко с мочеприемником: слухи или правда? #лукашенко #диабет #хромота #беларусь #общество #здоровье #новости ♬ оригинальный звук - Хартия97