28 June 2024, Friday, 2:24
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Unknown Person In Civilian Clothes Destroy Memorial To Alexei Navalny In Chelyabinsk.

Unknown Person In Civilian Clothes Destroy Memorial To Alexei Navalny In Chelyabinsk.

A video fact.

At the monument to victims of political repression in Russian Chelyabinsk, an unknown man filmed those who came to honor the memory of Alexei Navalny, and also destroyed a memorial set up to commemorate the politician.

RusNews reports this.

“What are you filming? Do you support Navalny? Why? What do you have the right to?” said the unknown man.

The police not only did not interfere with the pogrom of the memorial, but also detained those who came to lay flowers.

According to police officers, those who wanted to honor the memory of Alexei Navalny started a fight. However, eyewitnesses did not notice any fight at the memorial.

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