28 March 2025, Friday, 16:31
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Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Breaks Out 81 Years Ago

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Breaks Out 81 Years Ago

Commemorative events are being held in the Polish capital.

81 years ago, on April 19, 1943, an uprising broke out in the Warsaw Ghetto, the core (main driving force) of which were Jewish underground armed groups, the largest of which were the "Jewish Military Union" and the "Jewish Fighting Organisation".

The uprising was a response to the Germans beginning the final liquidation of the ghettos as part of their plan to exterminate the Jews in Europe, reports Polskie Radio.

Professor Andrzej Zbikowski, a historian at the Jewish Historical Institute, noted that the Jews of the Warsaw ghetto were fighting a hopeless struggle, above all for their dignity:

"April 19 is a unique date in the history of Europe. It is the first armed uprising or a very significant act of self-defence, first of all of the youth Zionist organisations, but also of the Bund. The rebels simply wanted to kill as many Germans as possible to make it clear that the Jews would fight for their lives to the end. They wanted to die with honour."

The Germans countered the poorly armed ghetto rebels with more than 2,000 soldiers, including SS and auxiliary police units. Armoured vehicles and artillery were used against the rebels.

The uprising was suppressed by the Nazis on May 16, 1943. According to historians' calculations, about 56,000 people were killed during the uprising.

Today at noon a ceremony was held in Warsaw at the Memorial to the Heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto in honour of the Jewish fighters (insurgents) who resisted the Germans.

Since the morning, volunteers have been handing out paper daffodils to remind people about the heroes of the ghetto and all the Jews killed by the Germans.

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