26 December 2024, Thursday, 16:11
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Piontkovsky Indicates Putin's New Task No.1

Piontkovsky Indicates Putin's New Task No.1

He voiced two ways that of the Kremlin's head.

Publicist Andrei Piontkovsky told how the rhetoric of the Kremlin has changed during the period of full-scale war in Ukraine.

If before the war Putin made daring threats not only to Ukraine, but also to the West, now he says that he is not even going to seize Kharkiv, but is only trying to "protect" the Belgorod region.

“Is this the same intimidation, but no longer with a "nuclear baton", but with the possible long fighting? Are they able to fight for a long time or not?" asked the journalist of the UNIAN news agency.

Andrei Piontkovsky said the following: “Putin is now fighting for his life. By the way, Shoigu's resignation and the mass arrests that began at the Ministry of Defence are also part of his plan. He realized that the victory and destruction of the Ukrainian state would never happen under any scenario for him."

"Now Putin's task is no longer to destroy Ukraine, but his task No.1 is to keep the power. He hopes to stay in power in two ways. The first is the Korean scenario, and, by the way, he probably received the same signal in China: the Chinese promised him, apparently, to help organize peace negotiations on the Korean scenario, which provides for the division of Ukraine into two parts, where the western part becomes part of the West. This is the best scenario for him, but Ukraine will not go for it. He understands that this will not be accepted, and therefore hopes for a long war," Andrei Piontkovsky explained.

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