27 September 2024, Friday, 1:34
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Black Drones Attacked Russia’s Two Military Units In Astrakhan Region At Once

Black Drones Attacked Russia’s Two Military Units In Astrakhan Region At Once

One of them is a missile testing ground.

Astrakhan region was among the Russian regions that were attacked by drones the day before, on July 9. The Russian Defense Ministry announced the “destruction of five UAVs” over the region, and local authorities casually mentioned “the consequences of the drone crash in the form of local fires” without any specifics, writes obozrevatel.com.

Such “modesty,” however, has its basis: it became known that UAVs attacked two Russian military units and a missile testing ground in the Astrakhan region at once. The details are reported by the Russian publication (ASTRA), which positions itself as independent.

According to the publication, Ukrainian drones attacked two military units in the Astrakhan region at once the day before.

Nine of them hit the territory of military unit 15644 near Znamensk, where the Kapustin Yar military training ground is located.

“In April of this year, a test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile was conducted there,” ASTRA clarified.

In addition, two more drones hit the territory of military unit 15650 in Akhtubinsk.

“There is no information about damage to military equipment, or about casualties,” the report noted.

ASTRA also claims that several hours later, debris from an air defense missile fell on the territory of the Ministry of Internal Affairs department for the Akhtubinsky district.

“According to sources, 30 police officers and two detainees had to be evacuated. There were no casualties,” the publication notes.

Residents of the region posted numerous videos online in which drones painted black calmly fly to specific targets without any “interference” from the Russian Air Defense Forces.

Meanwhile, according to official information, the Russian air defense “repulsed” the drone attack again.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, five drones were allegedly destroyed over the Astrakhan Region on July 9. Meanwhile, local governor Igor Babushkin did not brag about the “shot down” UAVs, but he did not use the word “hit” either.

Already in the evening of the same day, he praised himself for the “measures taken” that allegedly “made it possible to avoid human casualties and destruction of infrastructure”, again without going into details.

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