31 July 2024, Wednesday, 11:23
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‘Trump Is Being Persuaded To Support Ukraine’

‘Trump Is Being Persuaded To Support Ukraine’

What is behind the “Pompeo plan”?

US presidential candidate Donald Trump may create a $500 billion Lend-Lease program for Ukraine if he wins the election, former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wrote in a column for в колонке для The Wall Street Journal.

How realistic is this plan? Charter97.org spoke with Ukrainian political scientist, professor at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Petro Oleschuk:

— The question is to what extent Trump himself shares this plan. So far, there are no signs indicating that he shares such ideas. In general, it is difficult to talk about any systemic ideas of Trump.

For example, what James Vance said publicly contradicts this plan, namely, Trump chose Vance as his vice president. So far, this looks like just an attempt to present something in the information space, to lobby for the interests of Ukraine.

It is worth understanding that of the people in the former Trump administration, Pompeo has always been one of the most pro-Ukrainian. He has repeatedly spoken out in support of the Ukrainians. Let me emphasize that I consider this plan as an attempt to lobby for the interests of Ukraine among the Republicans and Trump's entourage.

— It is noteworthy that more drastic “peace plans” began to appear in Trump's team after Harris replaced Biden. Is there a connection here?

— They began to appear earlier. I think there is a connection with the fact that Trump avoids specifics on the issue of Ukraine. He tries in every possible way to avoid this topic. Although it is probably significant, including from the point of view of the American elections.

On the one hand, many see this as a risk (allegedly Trump will dramatically change American policy), on the other hand, someone sees this as an opportunity. After all, while Trump has not officially formulated his position on many issues, you can help him with this. Moreover, it seems that for Trump this issue is not key in terms of his policy, as are most foreign policy issues in general.

Trump's constant in foreign policy: support for Israel, a wall with Mexico, confrontation with China and the demand that allies spend more money on defense. Everything else is not something decisive for Trump. Therefore, Trump can be influenced.

As for the presidential campaign in the United States, Kamala Harris, apparently, has a chance of winning. Moreover, she demonstrated a record in collecting money for her election funds. It is obvious that she was able to reboot the Democrats' campaign, now they do not feel like a losing party in advance.

Naturally, this does not guarantee anything. Moreover, everything will be decided in a limited number of states, where the position of voters is changing. Everything will depend on many factors: whether Trump will make significant mistakes, how he will conduct the campaign, who Harris will choose as vice president. There are chances. The Americans themselves have realized this. This is evident from the activation of the election process.

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