31 July 2024, Wednesday, 15:22
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TSN: Shocking Photos Of Lukashenka Blew Up The Network

TSN: Shocking Photos Of Lukashenka Blew Up The Network

What happens to the dictator?

Lukashenka is seriously ill, but this information is kept in the strictest secrecy.

Recently, the Belarusian dictator became ill at the summit in Astana. The latest public appearances of Aliaksandr Lukashenka, who will soon be 70 years old, have raised many questions, TSN writes.

Journalists and social media users drew attention to recent photos of Aliaksandr Lukashenka taken during a meeting "without ties" with Putin in Karelia. Commentators suggested that the dictator had fallen ill with something, because his appearance had changed a lot over the past two years.

Lukashenka has rapidly gained weight, barely moves, constantly looking for support and complaining about the heat.

The health of the dictator rapidly began to be affected by the aging process. Among the listed diseases are weakening of bones and muscles, hearing problems, cancer, type 2 diabetes, which allegedly caused Lukashenka to be overweight. At least some of these problems seem to have already been touched upon by Lukashenka.

After an unsuccessful visit to Moscow in 2023, it was reported that Lukashenka's body allegedly suffered a serious malfunction. This was reported by the VCheKa-OGPU project on Telegram with reference to an informed source.

It was reported that professors from Moscow, including from the Center named after A.N. Bakulev. Judging by the "recruitment of doctors", the dictator was suspected of possible problems with the endocrine system and cardiac diseases. What caused the failure is still unknown.

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