31 July 2024, Wednesday, 15:27
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Lukashism Ideologist's Car Burned In Navahrudak

Lukashism Ideologist's Car Burned In Navahrudak

He is responsible for the repressions at the plant.

On the night of July 30, an Audi 80 burned on Drazdovich Street in Navahrudak. The dashboard was damaged as a result of the fire. The cause of the fire is being investigated, the Hrodna Regional Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported.

According to Belsat, the car belongs to Viktar Mashar, and the cause of the fire was arson by unknown persons.

52-year-old Mashar works as Deputy Head For Ideology work and personnel support at the Novogrudok Gas Equipment Plant.

Before the plant, he worked at the local police department and retired in 2022 with the rank of lieutenant colonel. At the plant, Mashar began to identify employees subscribed to "extremist" channels, and repeatedly forced workers to hand over their phones to the police for inspection. People with written pledges were detained and, after they had served their sentences, were fired.

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