31 July 2024, Wednesday, 16:14
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Special Forces Of Main Intelligence Directorate Attack Russian Airbase In Syria

Special Forces Of Main Intelligence Directorate Attack Russian Airbase In Syria

After the meeting between Putin and Assad.

Special Forces of the Defence Ministry's Main Intelligence Directorate have dealt a devastating blow to a Russian base in Syria. Kyiv Pos reported about it with reference to interlocutors in the intelligence and published a video. Interlocutor of liga.net

The video shows MID special forces carrying out a comprehensive strike on a Russian airbase in Syria, destroying military hardware a day after Russian dictator Vladimir Putin met with his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad. The meeting took place in the Kremlin on July 24.

According to Kyiv Post, the MID ‘Khimik’ special unit carried out a comprehensive strike against Russian military hardware at the Kuveyres airbase, located east of Aleppo and occupied by Russian forces.

The video shows a Russian mobile electronic warfare system being destroyed first, and then drones attacking Russian military facilities at the airbase.

The Kuveyres airbase has been controlled and used by the Russians for military purposes since 2015.

Ukrainian intelligence told Kyiv Post that the base was also used to train and transport foreign mercenaries for the war against Ukraine.

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