31 July 2024, Wednesday, 17:17
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Zmitser Bandarenka: Dictators Lose Even When Supported By Law Enforcers

Zmitser Bandarenka: Dictators Lose Even When Supported By Law Enforcers

Belarusians are on the side of the protesters in Venezuela.

Mass protests continue in Venezuela after the rigged presidential election. This time spontaneous rallies have started all over the country.

The regime of Nicolas Maduro is a long-time ally of Lukashenka and Putin. Will the protesters succeed in overthrowing the dictatorship?

Coordinator of the European Belarus civil campaign Zmitser Bandarenka has answered these questions to the ‘Basta!’ Tg-channel:

‘All these dictators, Lukashenka, Putin and Maduro, are united by their love for dictatorship and dislike for democracy. Putin is following the way of the USSR. He is trying to support all friendly dictatorships, as the Soviet Union once did. This is good, because it wastes Russia's huge resource in the situation of war, when Russia itself does not have enough of these resources.

The situation in Venezuela is a bit different if we compare it to the 2018 elections. Back then, the Venezuelan opposition boycotted the presidential election. In such a situation, it is much more difficult to organise protests.

This time, the alternative to Maduro, the opposition candidate won more than 70 per cent of the votes. Many Latin American countries did not recognise this election. The drug mafia, leftist militant groups, the police and the army have so far supported Maduro. However, there are situations when the power bloc seems to support the dictator, but he still loses because he does not have the support of the people.

We stand in solidarity with the people of Venezuela. The people have won this election. The people want changes in their country. We are on their side.

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