5 October 2024, Saturday, 15:06
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Media: Poland May Impose Navigation Seals For Chinese Cargo At Belarusian Border

Media: Poland May Impose Navigation Seals For Chinese Cargo At Belarusian Border

This will close the door for Lukashenka to bypass Western sanctions.

For 33 hours, Poland carried out enhanced inspection of rail cargo passing through Belarus at the Małaszewicze terminal. What was officially called planned control measures, which began on July 3, actually blocked the movement of goods.

A MOST source in the transport industry believes that such actions may precede Poland introducing navigation seals for Chinese cargo transiting through Belarus. This will close the door for Belarus to bypass Western sanctions.

A significant portion of Chinese cargo goes to Poland via Belarus by rail. However, according to a MOST source, some Belarusian goods subject to Western sanctions, such as plywood, are also delivered “under Chinese labels.” According to the documents, it comes from China and is reloaded in Brest. In fact, it is produced in Belarus.

The enhanced control began after the visit of Polish President Andrzej Duda to China. During a meeting with the head of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping, he discussed the delivery of goods through Belarus. Following the visit, the Polish president said that he shared with the Chinese leader facts about how the hybrid attack on the Polish-Belarusian border affects trade opportunities with China and interferes with the idea of the “Belt and Road”.

Considering that Poland introduced enhanced control immediately after the visit, a source familiar with the situation suggests that the leaders could have agreed on the introduction of navigation seals. These are devices that track the movement of goods. If China agrees to their introduction, all Chinese goods going through Belarus will be tracked by Poland. And it will be impossible to “insert” Belarusian products into the scheme under the Chinese brand.

According to the source, those who work through the Małaszewicze terminal are now also talking about navigation seals.

During the 33-hour inspection, according to him, the information that testifies to the cargo's route was checked. This is data on when the goods entered the territory of the EAEU, who the sender is, the GU form, which indicates information about the transportation. Analysis of this data may allow assessing and showing China the scale of the abuses.

But the preparation may also be a signal to the Belarusian regime: if it does not make concessions, then navigation seals may be introduced. Poland is seeking an end to the migration crisis from Belarus. In addition, the country is demanding the release of journalist Andrzej Poczobut.

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