2 September 2024, Monday, 6:23
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China Bans Belarus From Transferring Polonez MRLS To Russia

China Bans Belarus From Transferring Polonez MRLS To Russia

Beijing is trying not to cross the West’s “red lines.”

Belarus cannot transfer Polonez multiple launch rocket systems to Russia due to the lack of China’s consent. The systems use Chinese missiles, the export of which to Russia requires Beijing’s approval.

According to the South China Morning Post, China and Belarus are trying not to cross the West’s “red lines” in military cooperation with Russia. This means that deliveries of Polonez missiles to Russia are unlikely soon.

The V-200 Polonez MLRS is based on the eight-wheel all-wheel drive chassis MZKT 7930−300 Astrolog manufactured by the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant.

Some experts believe that the Polonez is an MLRS manufactured in Belarus under a Chinese license.

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