15 September 2024, Sunday, 18:17
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Trump Reveals His Plan To Stop Russo-Ukrainian War

Trump Reveals His Plan To Stop Russo-Ukrainian War
Donald Trump
Photo: AP

With the help of two factors.

If elected US President, Donald Trump will prioritize settling the war between Russia and Ukraine. He stated this in an address to the participants of the 20th meeting of the Yalta European Strategy (YES), Interfax-Ukraine reports.

"I know President Putin very well, I know President Zelensky very well, and I think that this needs to be done [settle the war - Ed.], and we must do it, and do it with strength and wisdom," he said.

In addition, Trump repeated his thesis that if he were president, the war between Russia and Ukraine "would never have happened".

"We have elections in 53 days. They will change a lot, including in relation to this war," the Republican presidential candidate concluded.

It was previously reported that the former US President repeatedly promised to quickly stop the war in Ukraine after winning the presidential election. He says he knows both Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky very well, so he will be able to "solve this problem very quickly".

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