17 September 2024, Tuesday, 2:21
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Ukrainian Armed Forces Conduct Two-Hour Assault On Russian Positions In Kursk Direction

Ukrainian Armed Forces Conduct Two-Hour Assault On Russian Positions In Kursk Direction

The strike group published a video.

The Ukrainian military conducted a two-hour assault on Russian positions in the Kursk direction.

This was reported by fighters of the strike group “Black Swan” of the 225th separate assault battalion on their Telegram channel.

The military also showed footage of how they supported the assault of infantry in the Kursk region.

The military of the strike group “Black Swan” of the 225th separate assault battalion noted that the two-hour assault on Russian positions in the Kursk direction was supported by a crew of MK 19 (automatic grenade launcher).

“Such a tandem is extremely important, because after the grenade launcher treatment, when our infantry occupies enemy positions, the enemy is no longer very inclined to fight,” the “Black Swan” defenders noted.

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