2 September 2024, Monday, 20:23
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It's Better For Lukashenka To Dissapere Somewhere

It's Better For Lukashenka To Dissapere Somewhere

Nothing good awaits the Belarusian dictator.

The famous Russian journalist Yevgeny Kiselyov believes that Putin will betray Lukashenka at the first opportunity. He expressed this opinion in an interview with Oleksandr Demchenko:

"I would wish Lukashenka to disappear somwhere. Nothing good awaits him in the near future. Putin will hand him over if some unexpected events suddenly begin in Belarus. Putin does not have the force now to deal with the protection of Lukashenka's regime. Recently, Putin has not had the strength and resources to deploy large number of troops in Belarus.

The number of Russian forces in Belarus is about 600-1200 troops. These are auxiliary forces servicing the communications center and something else. Perhaps some special forces can be transferred there. Putin has no time for Belarus now. If there is some kind of outburst of indignation or, God forbid, the Kastus Kalinouski Regiment decides to march on Minsk, then I suspect that Belarusian soldiers will start joining them.

All this talk about ;Belarus preparing for war against Ukraine; runs into my great doubt and huge skepticism about the fact that Belarusian soldiers are eager to die for Russia on Ukrainian territory."

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