2 September 2024, Monday, 22:19
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Bloomberg: Turkey Submits Application To BRICS

Bloomberg: Turkey Submits Application To BRICS

However, it plans to honour its commitments as a key NATO member.

Turkey has officially applied to join the BRICS group of developing-market nations. The country seeks to strengthen its global influence and forge new ties beyond its traditional Western alliances.

This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Bloomberg.

According to anonymous sources of the agency, the administration of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan believes that the geopolitical centre of gravity is shifting away from developed economies.

They said the country's new diplomatic moves reflect its desire to develop ties with all sides of a multipolar world while continuing to fulfil its obligations as a key NATO member.

Located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Turkey applied to join the BRICS several months ago amid frustration over the lack of progress in its decade-long attempt to join the European Union, the people added. The application is also partly the result of disagreements with other NATO members after Turkey maintained close ties with Russia following its invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the sources added.

Multi-Vector Policy

‘Turkey can become a strong, prosperous, prestigious and effective country if it improves its relations with the East and the West at the same time,’ Erdogan said in Istanbul over the weekend. ‘Any other method will not benefit Turkey, but will only harm it.’

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