3 September 2024, Tuesday, 21:21
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Kindergarten Closed, Military Personnel Stationed In Its Building In Zhytkavichy District

Kindergarten Closed, Military Personnel Stationed In Its Building In Zhytkavichy District

There are now barracks instead of the kindergarten.

Another kindergarten has ceased to exist in the Homel region. This is the Hrebeneuski kindergarten in the Zhytkavichy district. After the institution was closed, military personnel were stationed there, Flagstaff learned.

“Our kindergarten will cease to exist on September 1. Thank you for being with us,” the administration of the institution reported on social media.

It was known in advance that the kindergarten would be closed. Back in May, the administration reported that the 2024 graduation would be the last for the entire institution.

The kindergarten’s website states that recently there was only one group functioning there — an integrated, mixed-age group, and the number of attendees was 13 children. The teaching staff consisted of two employees.

In total, the Hrebeneuski kindergarten, founded in 1988, is designed for 90 places. The population decline has had an effect: according to the latest official data, less than 200 people live in the village.

As journalists found out, the vacated kindergarten building was temporarily given to the military. When a local resident called, the village council noted that “our military is currently living there”. Local authorities do not know for how long and for what purposes the military was housed in the closed kindergarten.

In August 2024, units of the Armed Forces of Belarus were transferred to the Zhytkavichy District. As part of the “reinforcement”, the movement of columns with equipment of the 357th separate parachute battalion of the 103rd airborne brigade (military unit 52500) was recorded in the Zhytkavichy, Petrykau and Mazyr districts, which border Ukraine.

According to the monitoring group, on August 20, the commander of the Special Operations Forces Vadzim Dzenisenka inspected the concentration area and command post of the 103rd Airborne Special Operations Forces Brigade, located in the vicinity of Cheretyanka, which is 12 kilometers from the village of Hrebeneuski. Flights were also recorded on August 22 and 30.

It should be noted that military activity in the Zhytkavichy area began after Russia's military invasion of Ukraine. Military facilities are located 70 kilometers away, which is quite far from the Belarusian-Ukrainian border.

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