30 September 2024, Monday, 15:19
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Ukrainian Partisans Appear In Kursk Region Of Russian Federation

Ukrainian Partisans Appear In Kursk Region Of Russian Federation

They have organised a sabotage on the railway.

Agents of the Atesh partisan military movement of Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars committed sabotage on the railway in Kursk region of the Russian Federation.

This is reported on the Telegram-channel of the movement on September 30.

According to the partisans, Atesh agents blew up a relay cabinet on one of the key railway lines through which the Russian army delivers equipment and ammunition to the Kursk section of the front.

‘This railway line is of strategic importance as it ensures constant supply to the Russian army on the front line,’ the partisans said.

Atesh also added that the disruption of the operation of this railway line weakens logistical support and makes it difficult to transport Russian military hardware.

The partisans published footage taken at the moment of preparing and blowing up the relay cabinet.

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