5 September 2024, Thursday, 7:17
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ISW: Ukraine Taking Extraordinary Decisions

ISW: Ukraine Taking Extraordinary Decisions

American analysts have reported on how Kyiv surprised the whole world.

Analysts from the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) believe that the breakthrough of the border with Russia by the AFU has not yet had an impact on the situation, nor has it changed Putin's strategic level of thinking.

The Russian dictator still refuses to sit down at the negotiating table. Moreover, he is confident that he can ‘wait out’ the West and seize Ukraine step by step, year by year.

Analysts initially emphasised that it is still very early at the current stage to talk about the pros and cons of the AFU breaking through the border with the Russian Federation. In 2022, Kyiv clearly showed the world that it can conduct brilliant operations against the Russian Federation when it counterattacked the enemy in Kharkiv region and liberated Kherson.

Ukraine demonstrated its ability to conduct operationally significant counter-offensive operations and liberate large swathes of territory with proper assistance and hardware from the West.

At the same time, the whole world also saw what disasters these very delays in military assistance lead to when the AFU retreated from Avdiivka in February 2024.

ISW states that only constant and timely military assistance from the West will allow the AFU not only to defend itself, but also to conduct a counter-offensive. The Kremlin will continue its genocidal policy towards Ukraine until it faces greater failures on the battlefield.

The Kremlin has spent years denying the existence of the Ukrainian nation. These efforts have consequences. That is why Russian officials talk only about Kyiv's capitulation, not about peace negotiations.

However, a ceasefire at today's borders and under today's circumstances only benefits the Kremlin. The Ukrainian intervention in Kursk region, however, emphasised that the war in Ukraine is not stalled for an indefinite time, and showed that Ukraine, Russia and the West retain the ability to make decisions that significantly affect the current realities of the battlefield and the future end state of the war.

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