6 September 2024, Friday, 19:12
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Students Leaving MSLU En Masse

Students Leaving MSLU En Masse

More than 1,000 people have left in a year and a half.

Minsk State Linguistic University (MSLU) has faced a serious problem in the form of a massive outflow of students — more than a thousand people have withdrawn their documents from there in a year and a half, Nasha Niva reports, citing its sources in the education system.

According to the publication, from the beginning of 2022 to the fall of 2023, more than 1,000 full-time and part-time students, along with targeted students, have voluntarily withdrawn from MSLU. This is an anti-record in the modern history of the foreign language institute, the media's sources note.

According to them, the largest number of full-time students — about 900 people — are among those who voluntarily withdrew. More than 100 people from the part-time program and a dozen of those studying under a targeted program have also withdrawn their documents.

There is no information yet for 2024, as MSLU has not yet provided it to the Ministry of Education, sources say.

“Some of the lost students who left of their own accord are compensated by new admissions campaigns and applicants, as many do not have the financial means to study abroad.

However, there is still a shortage, especially for part-time students. Thus, according to the state license for the number of students established for MSLU (it requires the university to have 6,320 full-time students and 2,070 part-time students), the university was short more than 500 full-time students and more than 1,000 part-time students at the end of 2023,” the publication’s sources say.

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