Belarusian Bank Doubles Loan Limit For Two Categories Of Belarusians
2- 5.02.2025, 14:32
- 3,572

How much they are ready to lend and on what conditions?
VTB Bank (Belarus) has doubled the maximum amount of consumer loans for some categories of Belarusians - now it is Br10 thousand.
According to the bank, the loan can be issued to the self-employed, paying a single tax, income tax or tax on professional income, not having IE registration, as well as individuals engaged in handicraft activities.
According to the bank, lending to this segment will grow 7.5 times in 2024 compared to 2023. Minsk is the leader in the number of loans issued (46%), followed by Homel and Brest regions (15% each).
One can get a loan in one visit in any of the bank's 19 offices or 78 credit centres. Registration is also available in the online bank. To do this, one should choose the option ‘Apply for a loan’ and fill in the application form, attaching a statement from the tax authorities' accounting data. Based on the information published by the bank, now the interest rate starts from 17.7% per annum.
In addition, VTB (Belarus) improved the terms of the loan ‘Start’ for start-up entrepreneurs, increasing the loan term to 12 months and the maximum amount up to Br10 thousand.