26 March 2025, Wednesday, 23:00
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Explosions Take Place In Makhachkala Residential House, Mobile Communications Centre: New Details

Explosions Take Place In Makhachkala Residential House, Mobile Communications Centre: New Details

Five people were injured.

Two explosions took place in the capital of Dagestan, Makhachkala, in the morning of 25 March. The first of them occurred in one of the flats of a 14-storey residential building in Gaptsakhskaya Street, operational services told TASS. According to the agency's interlocutor, gas exploded on the seventh floor of the building, after which a fire broke out. Dozens of flats were damaged - one of them was left without an outer wall. The Ministry of Health of Dagestan reported two victims: a man and a woman, both with severe burns. The woman is in serious condition. She, as Shot specifies, is the owner of the flat in which the gas exploded.

The explosion partially destroyed windows in five neighbouring five-storey buildings and damaged 50 cars parked in the courtyard, the Russian Emergencies Ministry said. Rescuers evacuated 150 people from the building and quickly extinguished the fire. The Makhachkala mayor's office said that the house where the gas explosion occurred had not been commissioned and was on the register of illegally erected buildings. At the same time, Shot writes that people were ‘actively moving in’ to the apartment block. ‘The causes [of the explosion] are being established, emergency services, representatives of the city administration and law enforcement agencies are working on the site,’ the mayor's office said.

The second explosion took place about 30 minutes later at a mobile communications centre in Imam Shamil Street, Shot reported. Three people were injured. They were hospitalised in the district clinical hospital named after A.V. Vishnevsky. According to Mash, the gas cylinder exploded not in the mobile communications centre, but in the bistro, which was located across the wall. Emergency services are checking this version.

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