21 September 2024, Saturday, 2:54
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Belarusian Journalist Wounded in Warsaw

Political refugee from Belarus, Volha Klaskouskaya, has been placed to a Warsaw hospital this night. She has a knife wound. She was provided necessary medical assistance. After that Klaskouskaya left the hospital.

This information has been confirmed in the press-service of Warsaw police. As Polish radio has been informed by its spokesperson, the citizen of Belarus has been admitted to hospital with a knife wound of the shoulder. The occurrence circumstances are unknown.

The woman used sms to inform her acquaintances about the incident. Volha Klaskouskaya is unavailable for comment now. The Belarusian regime wants to take her daughter from the political refugee. The little refugee needs help. The former husband of the political refugee is detained. Charges are filed against him for threatening his former wife.

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