27 July 2024, Saturday, 3:26
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“Extremist” cases go to pieces


Student Alyaksei Trubkin of Navapolatsk received a document from the Kastrychnitski district court of Hrodna saying the court declined to consider his case, instigated by the KGB department for the Hrodna region.

The court says a ground for the decision was “paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 163 of the Civil Procedure Code, saying the court doesn’t consider a case when “a plaintiff waives a claim and it was admitted by court,” Viasna human rights center reports.

It should be reminded that in 2007, Alyaksei Trubkin was seized a computer, books and CDs when he was crossing the Belarusian-Polish border. According to I. Serhyaenka, head of the KGB department for Hrodna region, the files on Alyaksei computer contain “information of extremist character that may damage political and economic interests of the state”.

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