18 March 2025, Tuesday, 5:01
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German human rights activists to Merkel: “Dictator must know about democratic Europe’s determination”

German human rights activists to Merkel: “Dictator must know about democratic Europe’s determination”

A human rights movement “Berliner Aktion “Demokratie in Europa” has sent an open letter to the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, with a call to help to release political prisoners in Belarus.

The letter has also been sent to the Vice Chancellor, Foreign Minister of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and to the editorial office of Der Spiegel magazine.

The copy of the letter has been also received by the press-centre of the Charter’97.

“Dear Chancellor Mrs Merkel,

Dear Foreign Minister Mr Steinmeier,

Dear representatives of the editorial office of Der Spiegel,

Our special attention is connected with Belarus, that is why we address a request to you to influence the government of Belarus immediately and demand to release the 20-year-old activist Alyaksandr Barazenka, as well as other political prisoners of Belarus.

We have a firm belief in principles of democracy, and that the people of Germany and our government are not only ready, but able to reinforce these principles all over Europe. The country’s dictator and his government must know about determination of the democratic Europe to use strongest measures for deference of democracy!

And now the facts about Alyaksandr Barazenka’s case:

The activist of the civil campaign “European Belarus” Alyaksandr Barazenka was arrested in Minsk on October 27, 2008. He is one of the accused in the Process of Fourteen, the criminal case initiated against participants of the peaceful protest of market vendors in Minsk on January 10, 2008. By the moment of investigation in the case of 13 accused oppositionists, Alyaksandr Barazenka was in Poland. He continued his studies there as he had been expelled from the university in Minsk for his political views. He found out from his friends and from the web that the authorities want to bring him to responsibility in the “Case of Fourteen”. When on October 27, 2008 Alyaksandr Barazenka accompanied by his lawyer came to the investigator, he was arrested. It is remarkable that the youth activist was arrested after the EU had suspended sanctions against 40 high ranking Belarusian officials. Barazenka is kept in a remand prison before the beginning of the trial. His lawyer is not allowed to meet with his client. Alyaksandr Barazenka was on hunger strike in prison for a week.

The session of the court is to start on Monday, December 8, in the court of Tsentralny district of Minsk. Judge Natallia Vajtsekhovich, who is famous for her numerous verdicts against opposition activists, is to be in charge of the trial. In case Alyaksandr Barazenka would be found guilty, he faces 3 years in prison.

We offer the text of an open letter from prison by Alyaksandr Barazenka:

Letter of political prisoner: “The main thing is to believe and not to give up”

“I was trying so long to understand why it has happened like this. And what for?

It is possible that it has happened in order not to fear anything, to be ready for anything. Such trials are given for a reason. A person who has passed through the furnace of hardships has nothing to fear any more. If he survived, he will become unstoppable and will achieve one’s goal. A person is like a bow in a forest: ones which are easily broken are rotten and cannot burn well, and the ones which are not easily cut even by an axe can make you warm even in the coldest night.

Maybe it was to give us a piece of hope, maybe to become an example for someone. It is important for us not to lose heart. We should show that we are not exhausted, that we cannot be intimidated! And it should be done by each of us. Everyone should make a little heroic deed, to overcome one’s fear, one’s apathy. The time has come to fill the word “freedom” by power… power of our spirit. Every letter of this word is lifeless if it doesn’t live in our heats.

Possibly it was for us to finish the things we’ve started.

Possibly it has happened because I was taught to act according to my conscience since childhood.

Possibly because I love my county and my people greatly…

And possibly in order to reevaluate many things and understand much. I was to understand that I am not alone, and how my loved ones are dear to me. To understand that everything will be fine! We shall overcome everything together and we’ll achievbe our goal. The main thing is to believe and not to give up! No matter what will happen…

We should understand that pain is an invocation for blissfulness, fear is an invocation for courage, powerlessness is an invocation for power, and weakness is an invocation for will.

“Have no fear!” Jan Paul II

Never give up and do not lose Heart! I am always yours! Long live Belarus!!!

Alyaksandr Barazenka”

Please, do EVERYTHING in your power to help this courageous man, who wants nothing else but prospects to live in a democratic society freed from violence”.

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