Problem of political prisoners in Belarus to be discussed in European Parliament
3- 4.06.2008, 10:18

Debates on the theme of political situation in European are held in the European Parliament today and tomorrow. The situation in Belarus is also to be discussed in Brussels. In particular, an issue of political prisoners. The Belarusian authorities refused to released prisoners of conscience Alyaksandr Kazulin, Syarhei Parsyukevich and Andrei Kim.
V Belaruskih turmah muchautsya ludi, kotorie popali tuda vsladstvii "perekruchennih del" sledovatelyami-fashistami. I takih "uznikov" tam tisyachi, a ne tolko Kozulin, Parsukevich i Kim. Prosto ostalnie boyatsya daje jalobu napisat !!!
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