18 March 2025, Tuesday, 23:27
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Charter 97!

Rallies of Solidarity in Minsk: pickets held in centre of city (Photo)

Several rallies dedicated to the Day of Solidarity were held in Minsk on August 16. Activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” gathered in the streets of the city with portraits of political prisoners and abducted leaders of the opposition.

The rallies were held in Nyamiha Street, near the Belarusian State Musical Theatre, and near Pushkinskaya metro station.

Yesterday 5 activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” were detained in Nyamiha Street. The young people were standing with portraits of political prisoners Syarhei Parsyukevich and Andrei Kim, and of the illegally arrested activist of the “European Belarus” Paval Kuryanovich. They were detained in five minutes after the rally started. The young people were released after 3 hours of detention without a report being drawn up.

Besides, the oppositionists hanged out several national white-red-white flags and streamers in different parts of the city. Besides, rallies dedicated to the Day of Solidarity were held in the capitals of regions – Brest, Vitsebsk and Hrodna.

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