23 December 2024, Monday, 20:57
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Charter 97!

“European Belarus” activist arrested for action “No to New Chernobyl” (Photo)

Yauhen Skrabets, Brest activist of the civil campaign “European Belarus”, was detained in Lida on April 25.

Young oppositionists held a picket against constructing a nuclear power plant in Belarus. “European Belarus” activists unfurled a banner “No to New Chernobyl!” on the central square. Militia officers detained five participants of the action.

Four detained activists were released some hours later, but “European Belarus” activist Syarhei Skrabets remained in custody. The young man spent the night in the militia department in Lida. He is not available on phone.

Yauhen Skrabets was going to come to Minsk for a rally “Chernobyl Way – 2009”. His detention is most likely preventive that is often used by the authorities ahead of opposition demonstrations.

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