29 September 2024, Sunday, 0:43
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Artur Finkevich: “Secret services try to intimidate young people, but they are to fail”

The leader of the “Young Belarus” Artur Finkevich lodged a legal application to the prosecutor’s office of Zavadski district of Minsk with a request to find and bring to account persons who called him on the phone threatening bodily harm.

Artur Finkevich has also commented to the Charter’97 press-centre the threats received by him from an unknown person last Friday. As we have informed, Finkevich received a call on his mobile phone with demands to stop his political activities.

“Last Friday an unknown man called me,” Artur Finkevich said. “His phone number wasn’t visible on my mobile phone. The man asked whether I remember how I was driven to the forest in winter. Notably, he spoke Belarusian! Then the unknown asked: “Do you want to become a hero? Just reconsider what you are doing!” And he hanged up the phone. And yesterday morning somebody called me again, it was the same voice. The man asked, whether I would like to become Radio Svaboda star, and added that I would be taken to the forest again soon,” the young activist told.

According to Artur Finkevich, only Belarusian secret services could be behind these threats.

“These threats should come from secret service men,” Finkevich says. “They are trying to intimidate me certainly, and maybe not only me but some other people, to prevent young people from joining together in the run up to the presidential election. But they won’t succeed! We shall stick to our positions as before. And we are go all the way till the final victory,” Artur Finkevich stated.

As said by Finkevich, on May 26 he lodged a legal application to the prosecutor’s office of Zavadski district of Minsk with a request to find and bring to account persons who called him on the phone threatening bodily harm.

As we have informed, on December 19, 2008 the young leader was seized near his house by the unknown, thrown into a car. He was betaen up for a few hours, and after that he was thrown out a few kilometers from Minsk in a forest near Rakau. A man demanded Artur Finkevich to stop his political activities.

The police department of Pershamajski district of Minsk initiated a criminal action, however criminals haven’t been detected so far. At the moment the action is supended.

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