7 March 2025, Friday, 6:16
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Oppositionists continue struggle for release of political prisoners

Activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” continue holding solidarity rallies of solidarity with political prisoners.

On June 22 young oppositionists gathered near “Frunzenski” shop again, in order to remind Minsk dwellers that there are political prisoners in our country, the website f-fight.org informs.

Activists were holding a streamer “Freedom to political prisoners” and chanted slogans “Freedom to Autukhovich, Lyavonau and Asipenka!” The rally lasted for about 10 minutes, and after that the young people disbanded.

As we have informed, entrepreneurs’ leaders from Vaukavysk Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Lyavonau, and Uladzimir Asipenka were detained on February 8, 2009. On February 18, they were charged under article 218 of the Criminal Code (intentional destruction or damage to property of citizens). Human rights activists consider the detainees to be political prisoners drawing attention to the fact that Autukhovich and Lyavonau were convicted before and recognized prisoners of conscience by the international community.

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