2 June 2024, Sunday, 15:06
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Moscow and Minsk on verge of new conflict: time to pay accounts


On June 23 the term offered by Gazprom to Belarus to pay debts for gas deliveries.

The Russian monopolist stated its claims to Beltransgaz on the day when the “milk war” between Moscow and Minsk was officially finished. “Gazprom” demanded Belarusian company to pay $230 mln debt. In its turn, Belarus answered that it does not have any debts to Russia, “Moskovskiy Komsomolets” informs.

The day before Beltransgaz confirmed that it won’t pay debts which do not exist, as the company believes.

At the same time as the milk conflict finished and new gas rows have begun, Russian prime minister as if unintentionally reminded about Belarusian debts. Last week Vladimir Putin underlined that Russia furnishes vast assistance to Belarus, “Komsomolskaya Pravda in Belarus” reminds.

- Some people criticize us for giving money to Belarus: 1.5 billion two years ago, 1 billion in the end of the last year, 0.5 billion in the beginning of this year. Besides, Gazprom has given 650 million this year. It means that at least $1 billion 150 million have been received from Russian sources, -- the Russian prime minister calculated.

Putin haven’t forgotten oil at low tariffs, and chemical products which are made of Russian gas. And Belarus receives currency benefits for that, and supports agriculture. The prime minister hasn’t done any statements that the money should be returned, or that nothing would be given in the future.

It is not the first time when Moscow reminds Minsk about money. In January 2009 Vladimir Putin, the president then, stated that Russia finances almost half of the Belarusian budget. By the way, then relations between Minsk and Moscow were tense as well: the sides debated over oil price and dividing of tariffs for the black gold.

“The assistance (of the Belarusian economy) concerning gas is estimated at about $3.3 billion, and $2.5 billion in oil and oil products… Considering that according our Finance Ministry the entire budget of Belarus in 2007 was about $14 billion, our support is equal to about 41%,” Putin said about his evaluation.

“It is dramatics at the level of the president. These calculations are absurd,” Lukashenka answered then.

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