Forcible draft of oppositionists goes on
1- 22.09.2009, 15:41

Over this week two more young pro-democracy activists who had determent and medical counter-indications for military service, were forced to put on military boots.
Today Homel call-up commission has found Andrei Tsyanyuta, Young Front activist, able-bodied for military service.
The military enlistment office warned Andrei Tsyanyuta that on Friday, September 25, he is to be sent to the army, Radio Svaboda informs. He is most likely to be sent to Zhlobin to transport troops, where “Moladz BNF” (The BPF Youth) activist Zmitser Zhaleznichenka served till recently.
“The authorities are applying pressure on the most active part of Belarusian youth systematically, in order to isolate activists,” Andrei Tsyanyuta states. “The presidential election will take place in a year, and they want as few people able of doing some thing as possible to remain free”.
Doctor found Andrei Tsyanyuta not fit for military service as he has medium scoliosis and fallen arch. However, the military enlistment office sent the young activist for a new examination in the regional hospital, and he was said he has a lower degree of scoliosis, which does not give grounds even for a deferral.
Andrei Tsyanyuta was expelled from Bryansk Agricultural Academy. He learnt about that only a month and a half after the expulsion, and not from the academy, but from the military enlistment office.
Andrei Tsyanyuta was many times sentenced to fines and administrative arrests for his political activities. In May 2009 with other young activists he went on a hunger strike of solidarity with political prisoners Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Lyavonau and Uladzimir Asipenka.
It should be noted that a so-called “politically motivated drafting” is used against young activists in Belarus.
Zmitser Zhaleznichenka was the first youth activist to be forcefully drafted into the army. The activist of “The BPF Youth” from Homel was called up for military service on January 25, 2008. The oppositionist was expelled from Homel State University two times. He was an A-level student and didn’t miss classes without good excuse. The activist appealed to court against his first expulsion in September 2007 and was reinstated to the university on January 16, but was expelled again in four days and drafted into the army.
In January 2009, “Young Front” activists Ivan Shyla and Zmitser Khvedaruk as well as leader of “The BPF Youth” Franak Vyachorka faced a similar situation. The youth activists were called up in spite of medical contra-indication.