19 May 2024, Sunday, 6:12
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Sim Sim,
Charter 97!
Comments 43
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Грыша, 16:40, 10.11

личный самолет....... личное ранчо на юге Сербии....однозначно истинный борец с империализмом....

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мирный, 16:45, 10.11

это называется...деньги не пахнут!!!

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V19, 16:45, 10.11

В школе обычно говорили в таких случаях: "что и требовалось доказать".

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lol, 17:05, 10.11

Кустурица приносит неудачу, может это и к лучшему что он приехал

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Aleg, 17:11, 10.11

В прошлой первой новости об Кустурице попеняли на бомбардировки Югославии. Так вот это не плата за сербский национализм, это расплата за формы, которую он принял. Сотни тысяч трупов в центре Европы. У меня не было ни тени сомнения тогда в правильности такого шага со стороны США и Европы, наоборот, я считал, что они долго раскачивались. Приструнить надо было еще в первой половине 90-х.

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Любован Собойчич, 17:19, 10.11

2lol - весьма тонко подмечено!! К лучшему,к лучшему ...

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гнекг, 17:26, 10.11

O! Великий Кустурица! А какие "суперенные" фильмы! Сколько заплатили за встречу? На другого наверное денег не хватает... Кустурица - это наверное "большая" поддержка... Чавес, Грибаускайте, Кустурица... а кто дальше?

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waldemar-n-52, 17:39, 10.11

Всех кого поддерживает Эмир Кустурица ждет участь Милошевича!

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Саша, 17:42, 10.11

Короче, фашист фашиста приехал поддержать. Рядовое явление, по большому счету, а у нас тут раздули неизвестно что...

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Чёрная метка, 17:46, 10.11

Чёрная метка - не ждать добра

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Юрий, 18:15, 10.11

Не знаю, как Вам, господа, а мне даже бредовые фильмы его не понравились...

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baton, 18:15, 10.11

У Кустурицы хорошие добрые фильмы. Его нужно рассматривать как хорошего режиссера. Политик из него никакой. Точно также как Лукашенко - неплохой хоккеист для его возрастной категории.

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Юрась з логава, 18:31, 10.11

Диктатор и Художник, вечно неразлучная пара. Первому нужно увековечивание и воздействие на народ через восприятие его как идола для поклонения, а вторые, вечно нищие и с массой оригинальных идей, которым нужно финансирование этих идей и на определенном этапе они находят друг друга. Второй в это время может даже и не осознанет с кем имеет дело, а когда он достигает определенным высот, он начинает думать не сердцем, а головой и тогда вся природа цинизма человека проступает через все поры и художнику, но на этот раз уже с маленькой буквы, хочется комфортной и беззаботной жизни, хочется любить всех и облагораживать, хочется чувствовать себя неким мессией...
любой психиатр скажет, да и книга есть- "гениальность и помешательство", так это как раз наш случай...встретились два помешанных гения.

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ger, 18:39, 10.11

Ненад Пеич: «Эмир Кустурица – политический неуч»
Я думаю ему больше подойдёт термин - политический проститут!!!

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Леха, 19:03, 10.11

Хотелось бы лично встретиться с Юрасем с логова. Дайте ему мой майл Leonid.Nemtsov@gmail.com Может ответит. Спасибо.

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nik_K, 19:11, 10.11

Da zaplatili chuvaku! On vam chto xosh spoet i splyashet i snimet!

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Георг, 19:24, 10.11

Ненад Пеич: «Эмир Кустурица – политический неуч»
Очень деликатная фраза для этой ситуации.... безответственный в своих заявлениях гомик...

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Литвин, 20:10, 10.11

Давайте начнем с его перехода в православие в 2005 году.
Кустурица - выкрест, Лука - православный атеист. Собрались два лицемера - дети дьявола.

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Литвин, 20:21, 10.11

baton, 18:15, 10.11

У Кустурицы хорошие добрые фильмы. Его нужно рассматривать как хорошего режиссера. Политик из него никакой. Точно также как Лукашенко - неплохой хоккеист для его возрастной категории.
Он не хоккеист, он запойный эпилептик, которому занятия спортом предписаны врачами для снятия нервных напряжений.
В 2002 году на совещании КГБ упал в эпилептический припадок во время своего выступления. чем шокировал даже гебню.
А спортом он никогда не занимался. Просто сейчас он пытается наверстать недополученное в детстве. Всё это комплексы неполноценности. По Фрейду.
Так, что не нужно приписывать Луке то, чего у него никогда не было.
так же, как у Кустурицы не было хороших фильмов. А дегенераты всегда пытаются найти жемчужное зерно в дегенеративных произведениях.

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Бенларски, 20:30, 10.11

Спасибо,Aleg, 17:11, 10.11, что так точно написал то, что и я думаю! :)

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Did, 20:40, 10.11

Да просто бытовой дурак!

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river, 21:00, 10.11

Вот так гений... А ведь "гений и злодейство - две вещи несовместные"...

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STR, 21:00, 10.11

...а я всегда знал, что этот монохромный помойный кот в квадрате ничего
общего с культурой не имеет и свое пренебрежение ко всем и ко всему выражает своим бомжатским внешним видом и засаленным шмотьем. В цивилизованном обществе, в таких шмотках, на порог не пускают, а тут на те, в палату.
Но мало кто может похвастаться, что с председателя $ снял, хотя всему этому
цена 0с.

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joga, 21:17, 10.11

In fact, film director Kusturica was a shooting star in Europe until the end of the 90ies - but during last decade he produced one artistic flop after the next one - both as an actor as well as a director. Artistically Kusturica is considered bankrupt in the meantime - and being awarded by Europe's last dictator is just an evidence, that the shooting star definitively died down.

Without radical Serbian nationalists (and their ideological supporters in Eastern Europe) Kusturica would be bankrupt also in monetary terms. Nobody in Europe would invest a cent into a Kusturica-project anymore, since he outed himself as a political extremist since February 2008. Then he crowned himself as leader of violent Serbian hooligan scene, which he had adressed in a speech in Belgrade with radical nationalistic slogans. After the crowd pushed up by Kusturica was shouting for 15 minutes "Emire, Srbine", it started to attack the embassies of Turkey and Croatia and looting dozens outlets of Western countries, finally the U.S. embassy was attacked with Molotov cocktails, where hooligans entered, leaving one of them dead behind.

Many people think, that Emir Nemanja Kusturica bears moral responsibility for all that - whether he agrees or not. Recently Kusturica always choose to run away, when he was adressed as a person which was politically involved in Balkan wars, like it happend last October, when he was running away from the film festival in Antalya. Courage never was a quility of Kusturica, who stayed save Paris during Balkan wars, instead in his motherland, which is Bosnia (and not Serbia) and of course Kusturica was not in his own mother-town, when Sarajewo was sieged and bombed by those pro-serbian nationalist, which "Emire Srbine" always openly supported.

Is'nt it ironic, when we see unshaved Kusturica sitting now exactly in the same chair in Minsk, where unshaved Xavier Solana was sitting in February 2008 - the man who was NATO Secretary General, when the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia started ...

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Paul, 21:50, 10.11

Эмир Кустурица - известный любитель цыганской культуры.

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R, 22:47, 10.11

Кустурица - сербский националист?:))) С такой-то харей?:))))) Хотя с другой стороны один известный "молодой политик" в начале своего "президенства" позиционировал себя как "объединитель славян", при том что тайна его происхождения крайне противоречива и покрыта мраком:)))))))

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zadvinski, 0:38, 11.11

Ну конечно, великие искусствоведы, рассуждающие о Кустурице, вы совершенно правы. Поддержал АГЛа - бездарь, а иначе-то конечно был бы великим.
Если не касаться художественных достоинств его фильмов(сколько людей - столько мнений), Кустурица - это такой политический андерграунд, контркультура из разряда анархистов, антиглобалистов, ну что-то типа Ляпис-Трубецкого)),
Приехал поддержать Лукашенко? А как же - АГЛ же у нас против засилья западной массовой культуры, мирового империализма и т.д. и т.п.
А Рыгорыч-то будет против Запада, Востока, России, хоть всего мира, если это нужно в данный момент в данном месте.

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turyn, 0:57, 11.11

Кустурыца аматар вароў ды злодзеяў, якія прыкрываюць свае міліярдныя крадзежы у народа нейкімі "ідэямі" - альбо кустурыца выкшталцоўны цынік - альбо танны дэбіл

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Александр Н, 1:35, 11.11

политический неуч, такой же как и огромная составляющая совершеннолетнего населения беларуси. и что обидно, теперь на всю страницу тут.бай огромная вывеска " Кустрица - добрый друг Луки". и многие подумают, ну ничего себе, у батьки знаменитые друзья !
он снимал отличные фильмы, какого черта он прется в политику, к нему в пиарщики

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ozzi, 2:03, 11.11

специально только что посмотрел "Время цыган" (оригинальное название "Дом для повешения"). что можно сказать...

Цыганский шансон. Мимикрия под интелектуальное кино. Взят верхний слой христианской идеи и слеплен пирожок для товарищей раздающих призы в Каннах. Внутри - безысходность и опустошение.

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TVRD, 7:20, 11.11

What some can only see as ironic is triumphant spirit over the lies that still spread. What they see as ignorant is rejection of the propaganda machine they serve.

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БАТЛКРУЗЕР, 7:31, 11.11

Гитлер тоже, к стати, был талантливейшим дизайнером, и вообще человеком разносторонне развитым...

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Andrew, 8:16, 11.11

joga, you're totally right - marginal sonsabitches always find a way to meet and compliment each other

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Белорусский американец, 8:54, 11.11

Не дай Бог Кустурица станет сербским президентом...
Правильно joga, 21:17, 10.11 заметил(а) по поводу того, что в последнее десятилетие Кустурица – и "творческий банкрот". И вообще очень правильный коммент, поддерживаю. Ну, кто ещё может вложить... Может, Лукашенко деньжат подкинет на проект "Кустурица" – в обмен на поцелуи и визиты... Постойте, мы где-то это уже видели!..

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Анна, 9:06, 11.11

А может это знак свыше. Где сейчас Милошевич? А разделить страну у нас невозможно, т.к. в настоящее время Беларусь - для белорусов, а остальные национальности просто мирно живут вместе с нами. Вот когда появится район китай-сити, тогда трудно придется.

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Xazar, 13:06, 11.11

a vi dymali chto on vashy bezdarnost podderjit? kystyrica geroi Serbii!!! i takim kak on nyjno snyat film o Rossii iSerbii v nacionalno osvoboditelnom dyxe!!!

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Richard, 14:27, 11.11

Кустурица -- классный режиссёр. Мне, конечно, неприятно, что он встречался с Лукой. Но творческие люди не всегда бывают адекватны в политике, не все же как Некляев. Может, простим ему этот "бзик"?

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Crnogorac, 22:46, 11.11

There is no such thing as "Bosnians". These so-called "Serbs" that talk negatively about him are either
1) Muslims of Serbian origin (or bosniaks as they call themselves since the 1990's)
2) Traitors/spies with Serbian names who work for the satanic "European Union".

The muslim converts who live in the Serbian territory known as Bosnia-Hercegovina are decendants of Orthodox Serbs, who were forced or bribed to change their Serbian Orthodox religion by satanic ottoman turks.

Emir Nemanja Kusturica did not CONVERT to Orthodoxy, he RETURNED to Orthodoxy!!!

The European Union and other world governments are God-hating satan worshipers, and Serbia, Montenegro and Republika Srpska (Bosnia) are under occupation by the satan worshippers.

Belarus is very smart from keeping these devils out of their affairs.

I am proud to be a Serbian nationalist, because I love my Serbian people, Serbian state and Lord Jesus Christ and my Orthodox Church!!!

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Gordan, 2:09, 12.11

Pejic you are political ignoramus, shame on you!!!!

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Miroslav, 5:28, 12.11

Nenad Pejic, the director of South Slavic language services for Radio Free Europe, is doing nothing more then criticizing those who criticize his employer. The only real politics Kusturica has is 1. that Kosovo is Serbia and 2. his opposition to America's foreign policy.

Nenad Pejic was asked a question and he responded in a way to guarantee he can't get in trouble from his employer the U.S. government. Afterall RFE is nothing more then a propaganda arm of the U.S. government.

His support for the bombing of Serbia, shows how much of a Serb and how much of an American puppet he is.

Anyways. Getting back to the issue of Kusturica. If this man truly knows Kusturica he should remember Sarajevo 1990 and 1991 before the war. Nenad Pejic in that time was a prominent member of the communist party who was awarded with being a high director at TV Sarajevo. Kusturica was on the other hand fired from his job at the University of Sarajevo for joining Ante Markovic's party of reformists and declaring support for Ante Markovic.

Later while Kusturica gave an interview his house was burned down (long before the war started) by the "tolerant people of Sarajevo" for stating the following:
* I am an atheist. My family was never religous.
* My ancestors were Serb before they converted to Islam.
* I support a unified Yugoslavia. I support Ante Markovic (reformist Croat PM of the country).

Where was Pejic to defend this man then? Nowhere. This hardly seems the politics of a Serb nationalist as he claims Kusturica is.

Remember also that he in 1991 and 1992 when the war was just starting wrote in favour of western intervention to prevent the war. Hardly, a Serb nationalists politics.

Why is Kusturica anti-bosnian? Because he led pro-Yugoslav politics and was declared persona non-grata by the the leaders of bosnia's Muslims.

The far-right of Serbia is groups like the Serbian Radical Party and Obraz- and various minor groups collectively known as the "New Serbian Right." Well Kusturica has been a nemesis to these groups? He has been in well publicized feuds with Seselj the leader of SRS and with Nebojsa Pajkic an ideologue of the New Serbian Right.

Kusturica is also one of the few Serbs to publicly declare there support for the holding of a gay pride parade in Belgrade. Hardly a far right position.

He is far right to this Pejic character because he has politics criticial of america's foreign policy and neo-liberalism. The political party Kusturica has been linked to is not far right ultranationalist as Pejic claims, but a party that is euroskeptic and constantly emphasises that Kosovo is Serbia -- the party is center right.

Charter97 which criticizes state run media in Belarus as propaganda shouldn't rely on the opinions of employees of the propanda branch of the U.S. government. Nenad Pejic is the same filth as a Granma journalist is in Cuba and as a Pravda journalists in the 1960s or even a modern day journalist for Belarus State TV.

The claimjs that Kusturica is pro-Milosevic are absurd. He has criticized Slobos ruling style throughout the 90s. But not only that but people who have accused him of being a pro-Slobo puppet have lost libel cases launched by Kusturica, most famously Biljana Srbljanovic who claimed that Kusturica's Golden Palm winning film Underground was financed by Slobo (he brought his financing report showing it wasn't).

I seriously doubt there is any real political reason why Kusturica is visiting Lukashenko. Kusturica is only visiting Lukashenko because he is an opponent of neo-liberalism and America. That is the only thing that is shameful of Kusturica's actions with regards to Belarus -- that is he is serving the role of a propaganda tool for a dictator.

As to the poster claiming Kusturica is dependant on ideological supporters in Eastern Europe and Serbian ultra-nationalists for a career? What kind of delusional world do you live in.

Kusturica has continued to win awards for his work. He has an established name that he doesn't need to do anything to establish his reputation -- hence he is not a shooting star. The fact that he is capable of winning awards clearly shows that he is not bankrupt artistically. Also regarding his reputation, are you aware he was given the Order of Arts and Letters by the French government.

As for who invests in his money? I hope you know that his films are funded by western, mostly French capital.

as for who watches these films? Well just look at where his films were shown and seen in record numbers. He has quite a following in France, Germany, Italy, in Latin America and Russia and even Turkey (where the controversy surrounding him has caused increases in the sale of his films). His following in the Balkans and Eastern Europe isn't significant compared to these others markjet.

Given his criticism of the attack on the Gay Pride parade attempted last year? How exactly is he the king of hooligan protests in Serbia? And please find us a video of said crowd cheering Emir, Srbine for 15 minutes?

Honestly. You Kusturica haters make stuff up and expect to repeat it so many times that it becomes the truth. Well it never happenned and for all the things he's accused of having done and said there seems to be a huge lack of evidence.

And then who says he is responsible for the violence against Western embassies? The critics of the protest tended to criticize Tadic, Kostunica and the ministries responsible for security. If your blaing the speakers well then I guess you should blame tennis player Novak Djokovic and crown prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic (the latter a support of Serbia "uro-Atlantic integration") also, but wait they are darlings of the west.

Actually the incident you talk of as having occured in October never happenned. He is a popular figure in Turkey and was asked to attend the Antalya film festival as he had at other film festivals in Turkey. Some Bosniak organizations made a big fuss about it and various politicians condemned him and the fascist Turkish Grey Wolves group threatened to kill him.

How about you mention what happenned in Antalya? Turkish nationalist attacked a Swedish actor trying to kill him because he looked like Kusturica.

Given what happenned in turkey and that his home in Sarajevo is burned, it's obvious that what his detractors call cowardice is him knowing that his most radical enemies want him dead.

What's ironic is who Kusturica's critics are? They tend to be former communist functionaries (like Nenad Pejic) who have changed to psycophants of the west. They criticize Kusturica a man who has remained the same figure they despised in communist times being honoured by the people they are psycophantic too.

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jiggy, 8:28, 12.11

2>>>Crnogorac, 22:46, 11.11

Right you are! And thanks for the principled and substantiated post here. Somewhat strange that some moderators do not recognize my opinion that Radko Mladic, Radavan Karajic are really heroes and patriots who truely cared for their nation and state. The political correctness of some Europeans led to the creation of Kosovo as Albanian entity. The entire Balkans are slipping into the Islamist pool, with the rest of Europe just watching and playing neutral. That's tragedy. As for Kusturica, - why suddenly criticize and blame him for just an opinion, an independent (though maybe ill-judged) point of view?

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W, 16:41, 12.11


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ida, 4:03, 13.11

It was a Swiss actor, not Swedish, whom the Turkish people attacked and beat up because he looks like Kusturica and they thought it was him. Very primitive behavior of the Turks.
Kusturica left for the security of all the other too and not to detract so much from the film festival - as there would have been more and more protests and perhaps some kind of stunt pulled which could have injured people.
Everyone was getting more and more worked up about him for some reason even though a few months before in Turkey he and his band gave a well received concert there. So it seems all the protests and trouble was purposely created this time.

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