In Slutsk Sannikov was welcomed with bread and salt (Photo, video)
77- 26.11.2010, 13:48
The meeting with voters in the regions has demonstrated how much people are fed up with Lukashenka.
More than 200 people came to the Palace of Culture in Slutsk in order to meet with Andrei Sannikov. Together with Sannikov, the former Defence Minister Pavel Kazlouski and General Valery Fralou arrived to the meeting with voters. The candidate for presidency in Belarus and members of his team were welcomed with flowers and bread and salt, “European Belarus” informs.
Slutsk dwellers asked Sannikov and his election agents questions about the burning issues, about the future of the country, and how the new regime would deal with the problems caused by Lukashenka’s rule – low pensions and salaries, conditions at workplaces, allowances and benefits, entrepreneurship, how the relations with Europe and neighbouring Russia would be developed.
Questions about the diplomatic career of Sannikov, his activities in the position of the deputy Foreign Minister were asked. Sannikov said that he has diametrically opposed approach to life with Lukashenka. “My profession tells me that friends should be searched both for me and for the country. I already have friends who will help us.”
- Are you going to defeat Lukashenka by a brigade of candidates, or are you going to unite?
- The single candidate is not discussed now. Several candidates with platforms alternative to Lukashenka have a possibility to address the nation on TV, to meet with you, telling honestly and sincerely what we want. People must realize that they have a chance to take the wheel. People must say to Lukashenka: “It’s enough, we haven’t elected you for 16 years. We are fed up with you.”
The local authorities tried to organize provocations at the meeting, but it just made it more dynamic.
Thus, a group of local officials attacked the candidate with criticism, calling his team people who had been pushed off their feed manger, “once in-demand persons, and out of work now.” Sannikov stated that “mangers are intended for pigs, and we are humans.” General Fralou added that he feels more than in-demand, and rather feels compassion to his colleagues who have to give a salute to the 5-year-old son of the dictator, Kolya.
A drunken citizen forced his way to the microphone and asked indistinctly whether Sannikov would increase salaries, and after that started crying before the answer was given. Then he fell in the gangway accompanied by a loud laughter.
The first secretary of Slutsk district committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union Mikhail Labkovich accused Sannikov of insulting the incumbent head of the state and asked Sannikov’s opinion about the future of his organization.
- I do not understand this organization, as it had been created at the expense of the budget money. And it supports the dictator by the budget money, our money, — Sannikov said.
The audience applauded. The BRYU functionary tried to interrupt the candidate’s answer. But Andrei Sannikov called upon the BRYU man to respect people, and demanded him to take his seat and listen to the answer to his question.
More than 100 citizens of Salihorsk attended the meeting in the Palace of Culture. They also asked the questions they were interested in.
One of the key questions at the meeting in Salihorsk was the question about a possible privatization of “Belaruskali” enterprise.
Andrei Sannikov stated that is he strongly against privatization of this enterprise which is highly important for the Belarusian economy in present conditions, when there is absolutely no transparency and public control.
“That’s what I call dictatorial privatization. First of all, during converting enterprises into joint-stock companies and privatization of enterprises interests of their workers must be taken into account,” Andrei Sannikov stated.