17 March 2025, Monday, 0:54
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Charter 97!

Andrei Sannikov on the web


Andrei Sannikov is the most popular candidate for presidency in the Belarusian Internet.

Thus, due to the strong support of the candidate, www.charter97.org resource has attracted new visitors. Over half a year, since Andrei Sannikov announced he wants to stand for the presidential election, the number of visitors of www.charter97.org website doubled and entrenched itself the level of 50 unique visitors a day.

Supporters of Sannikov in social networks are active as well. For instance, in facebook.com more than 3,000 Belarusians added the candidate’s page. It is one of the most visited Belarusian pages in the Belarusian internet.

In the Russian social network VKontakte.ru, which is popular among Belarusians, 4 groups with more than 1,000 members have created in support of Sannikov, and the largest has more than 5,000 members for today.

Sannikov can be found in Twitter as well. The account @A_Sannikov is updated by Andrei Sannikov personally.

According to the polls at the websites Election.in-by.net and Vybar.by, Sannikov has a commanding lead for several months.

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