27 September 2024, Friday, 7:00
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Charter 97!

Ramanchuk has car accident (Photo)

Presidential candidate Yaraslau Ramanchuk, making his way to a meeting with the voters, had an accident 40 km from Rahachou near a turn to Buda Kashaleva.

The information was spread by BelaPAN news agency with a link to the website of the United Civil Party.

As the presidential candidate told on the phone, the accident was rather strange. As a car carrying Ramanchyuk was moving, an Audi A3 suddenly drove out to the road and began to make a turn.

The car with Yaraslau Ramanchuk, his agent Leanid Zaika and two persons was damaged as a result of a head-on crash. The car cannot be repaired. None of the passengers got serious injuries except for slight bruises due to airbags.

The accident was caused by an officer of the law-enforcement agencies, police sergeant Pavel Khrankou.

Khrankou apologized for creating the accident.

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