27 September 2024, Friday, 6:57
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Human Rights Defenders: In one of Minsk schools early voting lasts for a week already


Citizens react actively to the appeal of “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections” to tell about facts of involuntary voting organization.

Also the voters tell about situations connected with the elections that make their blood boil.

“Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections” were addressed by the student of BSU Valery.

“I, a student of the 5th year of the biological department of BSU, want to tell you about the fact of agitation for early voting of nonresident students of BSU biological department.

On Thursday, December 9, at the beginning of the lecture the dean of the biological department Lysak Uladzimir Vasilyevich came in. He started speaking about the elections, that he’s being pressed on and that it’s necessary to vote early, as “…it’s necessary that every day a certain number of people vote. I address those who live in the dormitory. OK? Won’t you let me down? Thank you.”

BSU student also learned that those who have voted early will be free from Saturday classes.

Also “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections” became aware of the fact that early voting is being conducted for a week already in one of Minsk schools.

“I don’t know, how legal this is, but early voting in school № 135 in Minsk is being conducted for a week already before its official beginning. People are already being asked to vote,” runs the appeal to human rights defenders.

Also known became the fact of involuntary early voting at Hrodna enterprise JSC “Grodno Khimvolokno”.

“In Hrodna at JSC “Grodno Khimvolokno” people are made go and vote early. Otherwise they are threatened that their contract will not be prolonged!” an employee of JSC “Grodno Khimvolokno” said.

For refuse to vote early students in one of BSU dormitories are threatened not to be settled next year.

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