27 September 2024, Friday, 7:02
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Pavel Sapelka: Autukhovich “is pressed on” at full scale

Prisoned in Ivatsevichy colony Mikalai Autukhovich was met by his lawyer Pavel Sapelka.

The lawyer Pavel Sapelka came to the meeting with Mikalai Autukhovich at his request. He hasn’t seen his ward for several months, “Radio Svaboda” reports.

“He became even thinner. The main problem is that Autukhovich doesn’t have his teeth attended to at all, though he was promised that the treatment that was supposedly started in Minsk during his stay in the pretrial detention centre, would be continued in the colony. But this didn’t happen. On the whole, he is “being pressed on” there, as the phrase goes, at full scale.

Teeth are not attended to, amnesty towards Autukhovich was refused to be applied. They haven’t even reduced the sentence for a year. Administration of the colony attains that he pleads guilty and signs a receipt in obedient behavior. And that he takes part in amateur art activities. He refuses and, consequently he is considered to be a troublemaker, although this is not true,” the lawyer of the political prisoner said.

In the colony various provocations towards Mikalai Autukhovich are arranged, Pavel Sapelka says. This is done by some prisoners of the colony, quite possible that provocations are triggered by other people in order to make Mikalai Autukhovich’s stay in the colony unbearable and so that there were grounds to accuse him in violation of the prison order. In connection with this Pavel Sapelka turned to human rights defenders.

“I address human rights organizations and ask them within the framework of their powers and competence to appeal to national and supranational organizations. The aim is to contribute that Department for punishment execution doesn’t violate the rights of the convict Mikalai Autukhovich. Or, rather, illegally convicted Mikalai Autukhovich”, the lawyer stressed.

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