25 October 2024, Friday, 21:45
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Charter 97!

Stop one-man show! (Photo)


Activists of the campaign European Belarus and Tell the Truth! held a rally in Minsk center demanding to give TV air to opposition candidates.

Some 50 activists of civil campaigns European Belarus and Tell the Truth! gathered at the headquarters of the Central Election Commission at 10 am Tuesday. They held posters “Stop One-Man Show!”, “We Demand Live Broadcast”, “Why Belarusian TV Fears Truth?” and others.

A poster “We Demand Additional Time on TV for Presidential Candidates”, signed by Belarusian prsidnetial candidates Andrei Sannikov and Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu at yesterday’s meeting on Rail Station Square, was hung out at the gate of the CEC headquarters.

Uladzmir Nyaklyaeu’s agent went inside the building to hand in the statement to commission head Lidziya Yarmoshyna, but the latter was not present at her work place, because she was visiting the Belarusian Congress in the Palace of the Republic.

The participants of the action decided to go to the Palace of the Republic. They unfurled their posters and walked along Independence Avenue.

A double chain of riot police blocked them way near GUM department store.

“The fact that opposition candidates are not given live broadcast and we are blocked way to the Palace of the Republic demonstrates that the dictator fears information, fears the alterative opinion. Even short speeches of strong opposition candidates were enough to make people understand the alternative candidates are stronger, smarter, and better than the current authorities.

Join the teams of the opposition candidates, take part in street actions, spread information among your friends, colleagues, and neighbours. This is what the authorities are afraid of, this is the key to our victory,” Yauhen Afnahel, one of the action organizers, said.

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