18 March 2025, Tuesday, 12:58
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Jerzy Buzek: EU may impose sanctions on Belarusian regime (Video)


The President of the European Parliament and the Polish Sejm Marshal have made a joint statement today.

“The Belarusian authorities are conducting repressions not only against the Union of Poles but against other NGOs. Against the entire Belarusian opposition. It’s time for the EU to say: further relations with Belarus depend on how basic human rights will be observed in the country. The European Union has ways to influence the Belarusian regime: first of all, imposing sanctions,” EP President Jerzy Buzek told today to the Polish Sejm (VIDEO).

As the website European Belarus reports, the EP president said the situation in Belarus would be debated in the European Parliament next week. The EP is going to adopt a resolution following the debates.

Bronislaw Komorowski, the Polish Sejm Marshal, commented on the situation with Belarus:

“Jerzy Buzek and I discussed a possibility of coordination of actions of the Polish and European Parliaments. The Sejm is preparing a draft resolution on returning to the policy of sanctions for violation of human and civil rights in Belarus. Poland should take care not only of the rights of its nationals abroad. We nderstand well that the problem of Poles in Belarus is a common problem of democracy in the neighbouring country,” the Sejm Marshal said.

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